Montag, 8. April 2013

Review: I Fight Lions - Storm

Name: I Fight Lions
Album: Storm (EP)
Style: Alternative Rock
Released: 2013
Label: Syrcus
From: Wales

After a short review trip to England and Heaven's Basement, I am back in Wales again. Well, it's getting obvious. I like the country but still, there a lot of really good bands there that are worth to be reviewed. I Fight Lions are one of them and they are something special as well.

I don't have to check three times for the correct spelling of the first track as the EP starts with the title track: “Storm”. What comes to my mind when writing this review is the brilliant bass and, of course, the Welsh lyrics. Despite thinking that Welsh is only suitable for more balladic songs (like The Joy Formidable's Welsh version of “Whirring” called “Chwyrlio”), I can only admit that I like the song. 

“Paid a Poeni” rocks even more. The drums and the classical rock riffing indicate that I don't have any other option than liking it. There's even a double bass in this song (and it's certainly not played by Metallica's Lars Ulrich), which really surprised me.

Casanova” is a varied song and with that the most alternative on this EP. Whereas the verse makes me think about Russian folklore music, the chorus makes me (and I guess everyone else) want to sing – and I would have done so, if I could speak the language. The bass line during the middle of the song is well played and soon makes me think about Russia again. A great song to me but not the best yet.

Which leads me to the (unfortunately) last song on “Storm”. And this time I do have to look three times, if I spelt it correctly. The intro of “Chwil a Chwerw” indicates a ballad but soon the song develops into a rock song which could be one of my favourites of this year. To me, there's a certain Iron Maiden-influence during the interlude of this song, when both guitars start playing a melody that definitely would fit into the repertoire of Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Janick Gers. This song is my absolute favourite and I can't wait to here more of I Fight Lions.

Unfortunately, the EP is too short to give top marks, but the band's “courage” to use their native language (instead of English to win more fans) is a very likeable aspect. All in all, “Storm” is the second EP of a band that I'll keep an eye on in the future.

Listen to: "Chwil a Chwerw"

6 out of 10 points

1. Storm
2. Paid a Poeni
3. Casanova
4. Chwil a Chwerw

Hywel Pitts
Rhys Evans
Dan Owen
David Thomas

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