Sonntag, 11. August 2013

Review: I The Mighty - Satori

Band: I The Mighty
Album: Satori
Style: Rock
Released: 2013
Label: Equal Vision Records
From: USA

What would we do without Facebook? There's no doubt about the various opportunities social networks are offering and since MySpace more and more bands are using social networks to promote their music. To cut a long story short: If it hadn't been for Facebook, I would never have found American band I The Mighty, who released their first album “Satori” this year.

The album's opener “Speak to Me” immediately reminds me of A day To Remember. Shouts during the intro, a chorus that gets stuck in my head and parts that remind me of early Brit-rockers You Me At Six. A good start to the album with mighty guitars and a very modern sound of production. In “Failures”, the first single off “Satori”, the change between rocky songs bits and a bit more tranquil and melodic sounds becomes more obvious. What I like most about this song is the rocky breakdown just before the chorus, and the gang shouts during the interlude. This song is definitely a wise choice for a first single and without any doubts my absolute favourite (if you want to, you can watch the video to the song below).

Some Say It's Your Loss“ reminds me again of You Me At Six' rock/pop and also of Funeral For A Friend's post-hardcore sound. This song is not particularly special in any way but not a bad one either. Still, I think the song could have been better with a few changes here and there. “Ivy” is the first slighty more tranquil song (or at least “slower” song on the record). I like the change between verse (which reminds me of Kids In Glass Houses' “Smart Casual”) and the great sing-along-chorus (that you would also find on my Lostprophets albums). My next listening recommendation.

Artfull Temtpress (Paint Me Senseless)” again is the already known modern-rock-sound with its many guitar knick knacks, driving rhythms and the small break in the middle that gives you the time catch some air and is followed by a great lead guitar. A delight for my ears! Another part that would fit perfectly well on a Lostprophets album is the verse to “The Frame, Pt.2: Keep Breathing”. I like the very melodic bass and especially the Latin American sound during the interlude. Well done!

Four Letter Words” convinces me with its progressive rhythms and slightly metal-like guitars as well as co-singer Colleen D'Agostino. “Echoes” again reminds me of Lostprophets' “Start Something”, but the lyrics definitely are the highlight – not just in this track but also on the whole record.

Following the lyrical highlight on the record is another musical one. “Occupatience” really brings some change to the album by being completely acoustic! Although “A Spoonful of Shallow Makes Your Head an Empty Space“ sounds like many other songs on “Satori”, the song sounds even mightier as it follows the acoustic track.

Ember” has a relatively interesting intro with much delay on the guitars and only in the chorus it becomes clear, that this song is one of the more ballad-like tracks. Unfortunately, the song sounds a bit too much like current You Me At Six. The intro to “Between the Lines” is very promising as well, but again the chorus is way too tranquil. It seems as if the band can't keep up the strength of the previous songs.

The Quick Fix” confirms this impression at the beginning but this time I am positively surprised during the chorus. This song definitely saved the album's ending.

Although the one (“Some Say It's Your Loss”) or the other song (“Ember”) seems to be more or less unnecessary to me and could instead have been exchanged by two or three more varied songs, these four Americans are on a good way. I The Mighty are definitely worth to keep an eye on.

Listen to: „Failures“ (Video), „Ivy“, „Echoes“, „Occupatience“, „The Quick Fix“)

7,5 out of 10 points

1. Speak to Me
2. Failures
3. Some Say It's Your Loss
4. Ivy
5. Artfull Temptress (Paint Me Senseless)
6. The Frame, Pt.2: Keep Breathing
7. Four Letter Words
8. Echoes
9. Occupatience
10. A Spoonful of Shallow Makes Your Head An Empty Space
11. Ember
12. Between the Lines
13. The Quick Fix

Vocals, Guitar: Brent Walsh
Guitar: Ian Pedigo
Bass: Chris Hinkley
Drums: Blake Dahlinger

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